
“Teams” are a way to group Workers together in SYNCrew and are viewed on the “teams” tab and are also filters that can be used in reports, worker time review and timesheets. Each worker MUST be on a team and all companies have a “default” team created when their SYNCrew account is created.

Different companies use teams for different reasons but here are some common reasons:

  • Manager name: Group workers by manager, where the managers name is the team name
  • Work location: For companies with different branch locations or large customer sites, the name of the brach or customer site can be set as the name
  • Work type: Some companies have different groups and they name the teams for the work type.

How to create and edit team

Creating a team is simple. Go to Settings –> Manage Teams. The following screenshot shows how to add a new team and how to edit the name of an existing team

Assigning workers to teams

Workers can be assigned to teams in two main ways:

  1. When editing a workers settings or creating a new worker, there is a place to select the team and it will update when the settings are saved.
  2. When you create or edit a team’s name as described above, you can check the box next to a name to put that person on the team. When you click “save,” all users who have a check box will be added to that team.

Assigning a manager to a team

Each team can have a manager assigned. The Manager is used to route certain alerts like time change request and in-app help request. A manager must have an admin account (limited or full admin) and then you can select them in the green box below when creating or editing the team.

Select team manager