Add New Project

The Quick Add menu is the fastest way to add a new Project for your Workers to clock in to. If you have a lot of projects to add (10 or more), you might prefer to use the project importer described here.

To add a new project:

  1. Click on “Quick Add” in the menu at the left
  2. Select “Add New Project”
  3. Fill in all required fields. For reference, “Name” is what shows up in the app and the admin portal while “address” is where the GPS pin will be set.
  4. Click “Save” to add the project. If you have other projects to add, click “Save & New”

Your project should be visible in the Admin portal immediately and on Worker phone apps within a few minutes (assuming they have a data connection on their phone).

Add Worker Time

When you need to add time to a Worker’s records because they did not or could not from their phone.

Quick Add

  1. Click on “Quick Add” in the left navigation panel
  2. Select “Add Worker Time”
  3. Fill in all required fields.
    1. You may select multiple Workers at one time
    2. The break time you select will NOT deduct time from the time worked (example: select 8 hours worked, 30 minute break, and 8am start will create a day from 8am to 4:30pm with 30 minutes break at noon)
    3. The system will prevent you from creating overlapping time
  4. Click “Submit” to add the hours for the employee. If you have other hours to add, click “Submit & Add more time”.

Worker Time Review

Time can also be added easily on the worker time review page by clicking the green “+” icon on the blank day or clicking into the day and selectiong “add time before” or “add time after.” More info on Worker Time Review can be seen ON THIS PAGE.

If you have trouble: If you have trouble adding hours (typically because of overlapping time issues), please email what hours you want added and we will resolve the issue and add the hours for you.