Required Form at clock out or change task

SYNCrew’s form functionality can be set up so that a worker MUST complete the form before clocking out or going to another project. The instructions below walk you through creation of a form and setting it to be mandatory. You can view a quick overview of what forms are by clicking HERE.

Create the required form:

  1. If you don’t have a form already built, build a form as shown HERE.
  2. In order to make the form work for a mandatory form, the settings at the top must be configured so the “project” is set to “clocked in project”

Set the Form as required

Once your form is created, go back to the main forms setup screen and select your form in the dropdown labeled, “Required at the end of each work block.” Then click save to the right.

Now your workers will be required to complete this form before starting work with any clock in that follows a clock out. If they change task throughout the day as they work, they will only complete this form once. If they clock out and then come back to work for whatever reason, they would complete the form again.

Your workers will need to be sure they have recently updated apps so if they are able to clock in without completing the form, that is most likely the issue. Have them update the app and then leave it open for a few minutes with good wifi or cell signal and it should update properly to require the form.

How to review forms

The admins can now access the form via the Reports -> Custom Form reports Page.

Once on the page, select the Covid form (and any other desired filters for time, employee etc). Below you can also filter by responses (For example you can search all Yes responses to a particular question)

On the list that returns, you can click on any particular form where it says “View Details” to see the responses. You can also generate PDFs and manually email the forms from here.

Support requests

The SYNCrew app allows workers to request help directly in the app. Since workers must already be logged in, the majority of requests that come from here are not actually technical support issues so they are first routed to the people who know the worker best – their manager or company administrator. The email you receive has the text the worker typed to describe their issue and also a link to open their profile page so you can quickly and easily get right the their page to see what is happening. If you receive a support request and you don’t know how to answer the question, you can forward the request to

Once the worker clicks to submit their request for help, a simple email gets sent to either a single company email or the manager of the team that the worker is assigned to. Here are your two options for how to route that email.

  • Single Email: This option will send all change requests to a single email address. This is most often used for companies with a centralized IT function.
  • Send to Manager: This option will route the help request based on who is set as the manager of the team that the worker is assigned to. In the event that a team’s manager is disabled (because they left the company or have a new role), those help request will go to a backup email. To learn how to set up a manager for a team, click HERE.

Photo Flags

Photo flags are a way to categorize photos. When a worker takes a progress photo, they will have the option to add a flag from the list you enter here. These are used for many things but common examples are for receipts, pre-existing damage, serving notices, and things like that. Importantly, each SYNCrew client sets their own photo flags so they can be whatever YOU need!

How to enable and configure photo flags

  1. Turn on photo flags for your account
    1. Go to Settings –> Configuration in the left navigation
    2. Scroll down to “App configuration options” and look for “photo flags”
    3. click the box next to “enable”
    4. Scroll down and click “save”
  2. Set up your flags
    1. Go to Settings –> Configuration in the left navigation
    2. Scroll down to “App configuration options” and look for “photo flags”
    3. To view your current flag list: Click “click to view and search current list” and the list will pop up
    4. To add a flag: Type your flag name in the “add new flag name” field and click “add.” Repeat for each flag you wish to add. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click “save”
    5. To remove a flag: Click “click to view and search current list” and the list will pop up. Click the flag you wish to remove adn click “remove.” Repeat for each flag you wish to remove and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click “save”

What it looks like in the app

In the app, the worker will take a progress photo as normal. When they are at the screen where they put notes in, your list of options will be available and the worker can select whichever they wish.

How to find flags on the admin dashboard

  • Dashboard: Photos with flags will have a red box around them on the dashboard. You can also click “flagged” in the row of check boxes above the photos to view ONLY flagged photos.
  • Photos: In the photos search, there is a filter for flags and you can search whichever flag you are looking for. This filter is in addition to other filters so you can search for flagged photos by a particular worker, for example.
  • Reports –> Activity: In the Activity Report, there is a filter for Photo Flags and you can search whichever flag you are looking for. This filter is in addition to other filters so you can search for flagged photos as a particular project, for example.
  • Email alerts: Email alerts can be set up to automatically send an email anytime a photo is flagged. Depending on your service plan, you can have multiple email alerts so different photo flags can be sent to different people (internal to your company or outside clients and vendors, as appropriate). To configure email alerts, go to Settings –> Alerts –> email alerts.

Project Labels (group projects together)

Project Labels are a way to group different projects together, sort of like a folder except that a project can have more than one group applied. These are visible to admin only, so workers are not aware of them from the app.

How to turn on Labels:

To enable Project Labels, go to Settings –> Configuration and then scroll down to the section labeled “Projects.” The configure your options as shown in the image below:

Where Project Labels show up in the app

  • On Project overview page (click “Projects” in left-navigation). You can filter for Project Labels at the top of this page.
  • On the Project profile page, this Project Label is visible in the info area at the top, left.
  • Filter for Project Label in Work Block Reports. There is a simple filter for Project Label in the filters.
  • Work Block report results. If you selected the option to “show in reporting,” you will also see an additional column in the Work Block report that shows the Project Label for that row’s work block.

Skill management

Every event in SYNCrew has a “Skill” associated with it. The information below explains how to enable skills for your company first and then for each employee.

Company enabled skills

Each company must have at least one enabled and can have as many as they wish. To make skills available for your company, go to Settings in the left navigation panel and then select “update skills.” That will show you the list of all SYNCrew skills and you just need to click the box to the left of any skill you want and click “Update” to save.

SYNCrew has hundreds of skills available. You can view the list by going to “Settings” in the left navigation panel, then selecting “Update Skills.” If you need a skill that is not available in the list, please email to request a new skill and they can typically be added quickly.

Worker enabled Skills

Each worker has a list of skills and must have at least one skill enabled. To change the skills, edit the list in their employee profile settings by putting a check box next to the desired skills and then click save.

If the employee only has one skill, all their work will automatically get assigned to it. If more then one skill is set up for a given employee, they will be prompted to select the appropriate skill at each clock in.

Project-Specific Skills

The worker enabled skills above can be over-ridden by location-specific skills list. To enable that, go to the project edit screen and scroll down until you see a check box next to “use location skills list”. Check that box and you will see your company’s enabled skills appear below. Select the skills you want workers to be able to select from the list and save the project settings. Once you have a location-based skills list for a project, workers will see ONLY that list of skills when they clock in there, regardless of what their own list looks like.

Skill-based Account Name

You can make the accounting name change based on the selected skill for certain projects. This is described in the “accounting name” section of the Project Settings article you can find HERE.

Optional field: Employee ID

The Employee ID field is designed to let companies enter a value that connects to payroll or other systems. When you enable it, a new field will show up anytime you edit a Worker’s profile but existing employees will not have a value in this field until you add one manually.

Please note this is NOT designed for secure Personally identifiable information (PII) like Social Security numbers.  DO NOT PUT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS IN THIS FIELD!

How to enable Employee ID field:

  1. Select “Settings” in the navigation panel at the left
  2. Select “configuration”
  3. Scroll down to the App Configuration Options
  4. put a check mark next to “Use Employee ID”