How to disable a project (delete a project)

SYNCrew was designed to allow for an unlimited number of projects. Since the app uses GPS to always show the nearest projects at the top of the list, you could have 10,000 projects in a single city and each worker would always see the one they are near!

Even so, many people like to keep their project lists clean which is certainly a noble goal! When you do not expect any more work to be done at a project, you can disable it. A disabled project will not show up on the worker app so they will not be able to clock into that project anymore. All work associated with the project still exists and can be searched for.

To disable a project: Go to Settings –> Manage projects. Then click the “make inactive” button next to the project. If you have a lot of projects, use the search bar to find the one(s) you want to inactivate. 0

In the event that you need to re-enable a project, you can search for it and click to enable it, just as we disabled the example above.

A note on deleting projects: Since projects usually have work connected to them, the system does not allow projects to be deleted. If work never commenced you can just inactivate them or rename the project to a new one (although we do not recommend renaming projects as you may do it by mistake and it will impact any work that was associated with that project).