SYNCrew can export data to Quickbooks Online! This flexible integration will let you get hours your team enters in SYNCrew directly into Quickbooks.
Initial Setup: The initial setup is a bit complicated due to the flexibility SYNCrew has built to make sure the hours get in how you need them. Unfortunately, due to the complex nature of the interactions between QBO and SYNCrew., we cannot help troubleshoot issues on the QBO side.
How to pull data: When you want to pull data from SYNCrew to Quickbooks, just follow these steps. Note that most people run these at the end of each pay period but you can run at other times or use the custom dates. Regardless, we recommend not running while workers are still clocked in for that period.
START IN SYNCREW: Open SYNCrew and do the following:
- Open SYNCrew and click on Settings in the navigation section at the left (circled in yellow below)
- Select QuickBooks underneath Settings (circled in green)
- Select the pay period you want (circled in purple)
- Click Save (circled in red)
5. Once the page reloads, pick “QBO” from the options under Quickbooks
6. Click “authorize quick books” to log into your QBO account
Now we need to set up the categories. Again, under settings, but this time click on “Configuration” and scroll down the page to find the “Employee Options” section.

You need to create at least one Category. If you create only one, it should be a simpler setup. Type a category name (Can be whatever you want) and click “Add”.
Then go back to the Quickbook settings, and into the “Time Sync Settings” and select the category.
If you added only one category, all the employees will be added to that category. Any employee of the selected category will have the hours imported into QB.

When you are ready to sync the hours, click on Update Quickbooks.

After you complete the steps above, check your email for a status update. If there were any issues with matching projects or workers to your data in Quickbooks, it will noted. Once you fix those issues, click “update quickbooks” again to send those hours over.