Quickbooks integration: Common causes of errors

Below are some issues we have seen on multiple occasions so we posted there in case you are having a similar issue.

EXTRA SPACES: Spaces in SYNCrew Accounting Name field. This is the most common issue we see. Clients will enter a space at the front or back of the field, or before or after the “:” that is used to break up the Project and Job. If you suspect this is the issue, contact support@syncrew.com and we can run a quick audit to check for this.

SAME ACCOUNTING NAME ON TWO PROJECTS: For the integration to work and prevent duplicate entries from being made into Quickbooks, each project in SYNCrew must have a unique Accounting Name (or Project Name if you are using that in your QB Sync settings).

MIDDLE NAME MIS-MATCH: Too many letters stored in the middle initial field in Quickbooks. This is a strange one but has popped up a few times and is hard to track down. The Middle Initial field in QB can only hold 5 characters but sometimes multiple names will get put in there. In the examples below, you can see that “Robinson” is the second, first name in SYNCrew, but just Robin fits in QB.

This particular problem will allow the Work Block to be written into QB, but it will NOT be confirmed within SYNCrew and re-running Web Connector will cause duplicate entries to be made.