Reset password for Worker app (also how to resend the app download link)

In the event that an employee forgets their password, it can be reset in one of the following two ways:

Reset from Admin portal: In most cases, Workers will just reset their password using the link in the app (described below). If they do not see that or it does not work for them (most often because the phone number in SYNCrew does not match what they are entering), they may ask an Admin to reset their password and this is how to do it:

  1. Click “Settings” in the left navigation panel and then click “Manage Users” from the sub-men.
  2. Find the user you wish to reset the password for. For larger companies, we use the browsers search feature (usually CTRL+F) and type the name.
  3. Click on that users name to open their profile.
  4. Click “Reset Password” at the bottom of the page (you may need to scroll).
  5. Type the same password in both fields on the next page and click “Save”
  6. A text message with the new password will be sent to the Worker automatically with the link to download that app and their password.

Reset from the app: Workers can reset their password directly form the app. On the login screen, there is a “reset password” button. When they click this button, the app will ask them to enter their phone number. If the phone number is assigned to an active worker they will receive a text back with a new password to log in with.