We’re excited to announce that you can now add more custom fields to each work block. These custom fields can be set up so that when a worker clocks out or changes task, they must be completed. For each field type, you select the name of the field so that it’s meaningful to your crew – for example, “text field” may not mean much to your team, but “description of work” is clear so you can call it that.

These are the types of fields:

  • 2 text fields: Workers can enter any text they wish, including numbers.
  • 1 number field: Workers can enter any number value but letters or other non-number characters are not allowed.
  • 1 pick list: You enter options that your workers will pre-select from.

If you are a SYNCrew client, you can have a look at the details HERE. If you aren’t currently using SYNCrew but are interested to learn more, you can check out more at www.syncrew.com or email info@syncrew.com and we can show you how this will help you keep track of activity at your company.