Following up on our recent announcement about supporting Spanish in the app, we are happy to announce that we have added Mandarin Chinese and Russian to the languages that our app supports. For any of your workers who prefer one of these languages to English, have them update the app and assuming their phone is set for one of these languages, SYNCrew will automatically adjust.

SYNCrew now supports almost half the population of the world in a language they know!

Supported LanguageEstimated Native SpeakersEstimated Total Speakers
English370,000,000 (370 Million)1,348,000,000 (1,348 Million)
Spanish471,000,000 (471 Million)543,000,000 (543 Million)
Mandarin Chinese1,100,000,000 (1,100 Million)1,120,000,000 (1,120 Million)
Russian154,000,000 (154 Million)258,000,000 (258 Million)
Total SYNCrew
2,095,000,000 (2,095 Million)3,269,000,000 (3,269 Million)
This data comes from